The simulators made a big hit and was one of the top attractions at the show. Located in an ideal location in the venue, our exhibit with the simulators attracted a lot of attention. Having two simulators was more than twice as good as one. Many times there was a crowd gathered watching particularly when the high school racing teams were on the simulators. Throughout the show, the simulators were in use most of the time (nearly 40 hours) and there was often a line of waiting participants and crowd watching. The simulators attracted a diverse group from children new to sailing, teenagers who race competitively and adults who are experienced sailors or trying their hand at sailing for the first time. Larry collected a list of people who signed up to receive more information and have the opportunity to win a sail with Mic (Coach at Sandusky SC) on a keel boat. We had 58 families sign up to find out more about learn to sail and opportunities for a 2-hour sail in a J24. All of these were new to sailing and usually families of 4 or 5. This is a very positive result.
This was great for the sailing club because many of the people expressed an interest in the youth or adult learn to sailing program. Larry also picked up some participants and possible volunteers for the adaptive program.
There were at least as many experienced sailors that sailed that we did not record. We estimate we had well over 300 “sailing” in the 5 days of the show
The show management brought by many dignitaries to see what we were doing and we were featured on one of the local TV morning news shows.
We got a lot of interest from USCG, ODNR, regional recreation programs and of course all the local yacht clubs and sailing instruction groups. The Foundry is the rising star in sailing programs for youth and with them embracing the simulator all the other clubs are taking a hard look at how they can do the same.
There are still the old guard that scoff at the idea of a simulator but even they were impressed with the attention and interest the simulators brought to sailing.
The sailing instructors from The Foundry could not have been more positive. All recognized the value of the simulators and they logged considerable time sailing at the show. We also had some people who help with the sailing program for the Cleveland Metropark sailing program who came back repeatedly to use the simulators. The youth from The Foundry who sailed were very good sailors and always attracted an audience. One Foundry student sailed or instructed on the simulator for 5 hours. Other Foundry students would sail and then come back repeatedly with their friends.
– Larry Knauer, Brent Courson
26 January 2019